Dec 29, 2012

Christmas Intsitute

One major feature of the program is Christmas Institute. This is a Christian event for youth in Philippines designed to nurture youth and young adults in their spiritual faith, inspiring great leaders within the church and community.

Participants of the leadership training were divided into six groups and scattered into different areas of Philippines which are Zambales, Bataan, Rizal, Camachile, Pac, and Nueva Ecija. They joined Christmas Institute in the each area which give them better insight of the Philippine community and youth there.

The theme of the Christmas Institute 2012 was "Soak in Christ." 
Throughout the institute, people sing, worship, and pray. 
Of course, there was times to play games and talk with each other.

The photo the above is a part of team building program. 
On very thin yellow paper was a relatively heavy tag. 
Whole the group brought it together to the goal without breaking paper.

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