Sep 20, 2011

Asian Young Women Leadership Training in Philippines

Be a leader the world is waiting for!

1.  Purpose:

Through this program, Asian young women will:

1)      generate strong passion and vision to grow as global leaders,
2)      expose to diverse cultures and learn through leadership development initiatives among  Asian young women and communities/
3)      gain insight/knowledge on global issues and become ADVOCATES towards solutions. involved in seeking solutions for them. (you may remove the green words.)
4)      Experience the Filipino Family Hospitality

2.  Date and Place:
December 26, 2011 – January 12, 2012 (January 9 for Japanese participants)
Manila, other provinces and Tagaytay in the Philippines

3.  Content Overview:
1)      Joining the Christmas Institutes of Filipino youth and young adults.
2)      Cultural Exposure: Filipino New Year’s Celebration  
3)      Exposure to sectoral Social Justice and Peace Programs and Advocacy
4)      Leadership Seminar and Workshop

4.  Registration Information:

1)      Who may apply:
Ø  Women college/graduate student between 18-30 from Asian countries.
Ø  Be in good health, willing to live under harsh environment
Ø  Have interest in social issues and human conditions and communities
Ø  Be willing to take on leadership in all circumstances during the training.
Ø  Be able to attend the full program from beginning till the end.

2)     Expenses:
Travel: Each person will pay for one’s own round trip airfare to/from Manila
Room and Board and the entire program will be supported by sponsoring organizations
Each student will be responsible for one’s own personal stipend.

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